Little Poems

Maya Angelou once remarked that if she had had more time to write, she could have made her poetry more succinct. Brevity is truly the soul of wit. This little beribboned volume is a treasure. One can imagine Willoughby removing it from his vest pocket to recite some remembered lines. The poems are arranged chronologically, which has always made the most sense to me; from Sappho to Ocean Vuong, from allusions to Aphrodite to School-to-Prison Pants. This book is a treasure. It is a perfect gift for all poetry lovers and an incredible introduction to poetry; no stanzas to get mixed up in, and the rhyming patterns are gone before one has to study them. Many of the poems are only fourteen lines. The poems are pure enjoyment. It is also perfect for a guest’s nightstand. A little box of See’s candy, each as enjoyable and delightful as the last. The reader can open it anywhere and is sure to find a soul-thrilling idea and keen observation.